3 ways to make you feel happier

3 ways to make you feel happier

3 ways to make you feel happier Feeling grumpy? Constantly worrying? Here are 3 ways to make you feel happier So the warm summer sunshine is finally here.  The windows are thrown open and the birdsong and cool, fresh breeze bathe my senses.  But hang on a minute, I’m...
Why I love to make my clients cry

Why I love to make my clients cry

I love to make my clients cry. Controversial. But true! When they cry I know we’ve landed on something powerful that’s going to change their mind, behaviour and life going forward for the better. Think about it this way … How many times as a kid were...
What Spring teaches us about worrying and self-doubt

What Spring teaches us about worrying and self-doubt

There’s definitely something magical about Spring.  It brings us hope.  An awakening.  As if all the constraints, darkness and worries of the past can be left behind as new growth, new opportunities and freedom emerge. But what if you don’t feel full of hope and...


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