How you’re limiting your career with these excuses

We limit our careers, our success and our potential because of the beliefs we hold and excuses we tell ourselves. Does this sound like you? You tell yourself you’ll apply for that exciting role when you’re more qualified. Another course and you’ll...
Imposter Syndrome Myths

Imposter Syndrome Myths

In writing my book on Imposter Syndrome, I’ve been having some very insightful conversations with people.  I’ve been struck by the mistruths and limiting beliefs out there, so I wanted to dispel them right here in this blog post. Myth #1: Imposter Syndrome is a...
Why negative emotions are the key to unlocking happiness

Why negative emotions are the key to unlocking happiness

In the self-care literature there’s a lot (A LOT!) of focus on positive mindset, being positive and looking positively at life.  On the surface this makes total sense; I mean why wouldn’t you want to have a gloriously happy and upbeat life?  Yet in reality, in our...
How to stop sabotaging your own success

How to stop sabotaging your own success

If only I could stop procrastinating. If only I could stop saying ‘Yes’ to all those things I really don’t want to do. If only I could make my own happiness a priority. If only I stick to healthier habits. If only I had the courage to share my honest...