Inner Light Experience 

I am so excited to share the Inner Light Experience with you.

I’ve created it to be a cocoon of support, guidance, empowerment and insight to take you through the dark, gloomy months of January and February.  Months where we feel called to cosy-up, go within, not yet ready to emerge. Months which can become the most beautiful and powerful foundations for the year to come, if we choose them to be.

After the rush and busyness of December, the new year can feel full of promise and potential, a fresh start.  It can feel lacklustre, lonely, overwhelming, an anti-climax or pressurised too.  It can be hard to navigate the world honouring the truest version of yourself, with so many external demands and expectations.  It can be all too easy to slip back into habits that don’t serve you well or struggle to stick with new year resolutions.  

That is where the Inner Light Experience fills the much needed void.  It’s all about coming within, to find your own light, your own wisdom, your own strength and guidance, so you can, in your own way, shine your light brightly for the rest of the year and beyond.  It’s about finding your flow, your vibe, your needs, your truth, not anyone else’s.

This will be a space purposefully designed to support you in:

  • Setting and honouring your intentions for 2022 and stepping into who you want to become.
  • Establishing and embodying good, wholesome practices and habits to nourish your mind, body and soul ready to support you for the rest of 2022 and beyond.
  • Becoming your own best friend and intuitive guide, where you can recognise and honour your own needs without guilt or shame.
  • Going within, with self-compassion and curiosity so that you can learn to embrace all of you and feel more ease and inner calm.
  • Unlocking limiting beliefs and behaviours to feel free and able to step into the fullest version of yourself.
  • Working through whatever comes up for you during this time in a safe, supportive, non-judgemental environment to build clarity, confidence and momentum.

” Only when we honour the deep knowing from within, can we be the fullest, most radiant version of ourselves.”

~ Jo Hall


My intention and desire for you in this space is to:

  • Feel supported
  • Build trust in yourself
  • Tune into your own inner wisdom, natural energy and guidance
  • Feel empowered
  • Feel strong, well and grounded for the year to come
  • Feel ready and excited to shine your inner light

I imagine this experience to be just like the shoots underground, in the comfort and darkness of the soil, reaching out for nourishment within and around, drawing in good energy, building solid foundations, growing strong roots and then emerging as the days get longer and brighter to reveal their fullest, truest beauty to the world.

I would love this for you.  

For me.  

For every one of us in this experience.

It’s perfect for you if:


You struggle to find your momentum and energy during the darker days and beginning of the year.


You’ve read many self-help books or set many goals but haven’t established the habits or embodied the change you desire in real-life.


You find it difficult to put self-care at the heart of your life and are fed up feeling frazzled, frustrated and run-ragged.


You’d love to set positive intentions that actually become your reality.


You’d love to give yourself the time, space and permission to tune into your own needs, ideas and intuition, and honour them.


You want to stop seeking external validation or trying to meet others expectations and instead find clarity, self-belief and empowerment within you. 


You’d love to learn and practice tools and techniques that you can benefit from for the rest of your life to boost your confidence and wellbeing.


You want (or need!) a guiding, nurturing, intuitive coach and mentor by your side as you practice navigating and embodying this new way of being.

How will the Inner Light Experience be?

  • It will run from Monday 17th January through to Monday 28th February.
  • Every Monday we will have a group call via Zoom (likely 1 – 2pm UK time depending on location of participants).  
  • Group calls will include a mix of coaching and support for you, teaching, guidance or whatever I sense you need each week.  They will be recorded and shared.
  • Support will also likely include some meditation, energy work, journaling, Oracle card insights, astrology and moon guidance … or any of the tools and techniques I personally work with and love!
  • Being a group program creates its own wondrous supportive energy and a-ha moments and I’m excited for the support you’ll give to and gain from each other as we work through the weeks together.  I will do the work and embody the practices alongside you too, as this creates a deeper connection and collective energy between and for us all.
  • There will be additional support features, but I’ll reveal more at a later date!

If all of this sounds just what you need to nourish and empower yourself and get 2022 off to the best start possible, I am offering this guided and empowering experience for the crazy price of just £444 (payment plan options available to help spread the cost).


For those of you who don’t know me …

Hello! I’m Jo and I’m a coach, mentor, intuitive and empath who loves to write, talk, guide, teach, listen and connect with like-minded good souls. I’ve been in the corporate world, pushing and hustling most of my career, but redundancy offered me the gift and opportunity to set up my own business … from which I continue to learn and honour so much about myself.  It also led me to search for tools and techniques to help myself overcome self-doubt, self-sabotage, and crippling fear, stress and worry, which I now share and use in my one-to-one and group experiences, to help others lead the calmer, fulfilling lives they so crave.

I love nothing more than to empower others, to see them find inner calm, to honour and respect themselves and truly step into their power and potential in their own, unique way.  For those, like you and me, who wish to shine their inner light, to live life truly and fully, we pave the way and give permission for others to do the same.  We bring more light into the world in whatever way we can and I’d be honoured to help and guide you on this journey.

What past clients have said about working with me


Feeling so cared for by you, so bloomin inspired to make these beautiful little changes. I’m massively proud of the shifts in my thinking. Seems like I’ve made more fundamental life changes than I have from years of self help books.’.’


‘You have created the most wonderful, safe and nurturing space to dive deep into this work. I have loved every second of it.  Whilst there has been a theme running throughout, I love how you have intuitively known the best exercises to give us (you really know your stuff!). And how the coaching calls have built upon this too.  It’s made me reflect A LOT about how I am balancing (or not) my work/life blend and the importance of self care and looking at what I need. It’s also made me really conscious of things I am doing and thinking that really don’t serve me well and what to do about that.’


The most significant realisation for me has been starting the journey towards listening to my body and my heart. I have spent far too long listening only to my head and channeling masculine energies. It has been amazing to begin tapping back into the ‘real me’. You’ve been amazing at guiding me from my head zone / stressful / frustrating / everything must happen now attitude to one which is more trusting, kind to myself and calm.’

If this feels like the kind of experience and space you need to begin 2022

I would love for you to

For just £444 (payment plan options available to help spread the cost). 

If you have any questions, please get in contact.